Are Artificial Christmas Trees More Environmentally Friendly?

When it comes to choosing a Christmas tree, a dilemma arises and we come to the frequent question – is a natural or plastic Christmas tree better? The choice is up to you, and you need to consider several factors. Many potted trees are considered more environmentally friendly because you can replanted and re-use them every following year. However, that means destroying forests. Read more about all this in the rest of the text.

Artificial Christmas tree


These Christmas trees have a lot of advantages, and one of them is definitely easy to use. This means that you can use it every year if you put it in the box properly. It is foldable, so it won’t take up much space, and all its parts are actually very small. You can also use Christmas trees of different sizes and thus choose the one that most resembles the right one. However, it is great that there are Christmas trees on the market today that are very convincing in appearance, although they are miniature in shape.

These are perfect for small places or as a decoration on the dining table. This way you will save money, because you will not buy a new one every year and you will choose a more environmentally friendly option. In addition, they will not change the look after a while. This means that your holiday atmosphere can last as long as you want and you will get 100% realistic Christmas tree.

Natural Christmas tree


All fans of holidays and traditions will opt for this option sooner. Of course, natural Christmas trees are a beautiful sight. However, there are more and more lumberjacks and forests are slowly being destroyed. In order to positively affect your environment, it is best not to give money to people who do the opposite. We are sure that you can choose an equally beautiful place and decorations for an artificial Christmas tree.

Although you can buy this tree, plant it and recycle it. Keep in mind how important this wood is for all of us, because they absorb coal from the air and thus fight emissions. So, by buying the right tree, you are consciously having a bad effect on the planet. We must mention that some organizations grow trees that are intended exclusively for holidays, and 10 of them are planted on every one tree cut down.

How to choose the right tree?


To choose the right tree you need a lot of time and energy for something like that. Only then will you be able to choose the best tree. Otherwise, you will end up with an example of a rotten tree, and after a while you will only come across bare trees that no one would really want to buy and put in their home. Of course, if you find a beautiful tree, we are sure that the decorations on it will look magnificent. Although there is a possibility of planting, know that you will have to devote a lot of time to its maintenance.

You will have to provide it with perfect conditions, as well as regular watering in order to welcome the next Christmas. In addition, be prepared to constantly clean up fallen needles that will be all over your home. This is especially true for families with small children or pets playing nearby. We would not recommend a natural Christmas tree if you have an extremely small child or pet, because they have a habit of putting everything they see in front of them in their mouths.


So, if you opt for natural wood, get ready for maintenance and long dialing. If you opt for a more environmentally friendly option, it will not be difficult for you to take care of a tree that looks like the real thing. Best of all, there is a large selection of trees.