Why a Baby May Need a Hip Ultrasound

Hip ultrasound in babies is an imaging test that uses sound waves to create a picture of the inside of your child’s hip. It can show any hip problems, such as a dislocation, or if there is an injury to the soft tissues (ligaments or tendons). Treatment depends on how severe the problem is. If … Read more

Bringing Home Your Newborn with Hip Dysplasia

What happens when you bring home your newborn baby who has hip dysplasia? What should you expect from your doctor? The most common type of hip disorder is known as developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). DDH is caused by the incomplete formation of bones in the hip area. This condition affects infants and young … Read more

Do Any Hair Loss Treatments Actually Work?

You can feel hopeless when your hair starts to thin and fall out. It may seem like there’s nothing you can do to stop it. However, there is, or, at least there appears to be. Hair loss treatments, ranging from shampoos to supplements, are advertised at every corner, but the thing is – do they … Read more

Breast Milk VS Milk Formula: What’s Best for Babies?

Although parents have 9 months to prepare and decide how they want to feed their child, this issue requires detailed consideration and, of course, consultation with a doctor. Most scientists and doctors are sincerely convinced that breast milk is the best diet for the baby, as the mother’s body fully adapts to the needs of … Read more