How to Tighten Chainsaw Chain and How Tight Should It Be?

How to Tighten Chainsaw Chain and How Tight Should It Be?

One of the most general, yet important, rule of using a chainsaw is to check the tension in the chain before turning the chainsaw on. As the chainsaw mainly relies on heavy, jerking motions to operate, the chain can often sag or come loose. Why Do I Need to Tighten the Chain?Once the chain sags,…

How to Cut a Square Hole in the Wood with a Router?

How to Cut a Square Hole in the Wood with a Router?

Woodworking projects are a combination of creativity and expertise, but the important aspect of it is that it requires variation. You can’t just cut pieces of wood in the same shape for most of your projects. With time and demand, you will need to add some uniqueness. Your task could require you to cut it…

How to Build a Workbench: 11 DIY Plans for Beginners

How to Build a Workbench: 11 DIY Plans for Beginners

For those of you interested in woodworking projects and have been doing it for some time, you know the struggle of working on a wobbly shop table and not getting much done. As important as tools are for doing woodwork, you’ll eventually realize how much you need a sturdy workbench. But most workbenches in the…

How to Make Wooden Signs with a Router?

How to Make Wooden Signs with a Router?

Wooden signs are considered as classy and stylish by many people around the world. Why wouldn’t it be? This magical masterpiece brings class and beauty to the place where it will be fitted. Whether you are putting it onto the entrance gate or in the living room, you will be astonished every single time you…

How to Make a Router Table for a Plunge Router?

How to Make a Router Table for a Plunge Router?

While woodworking, there will always be a danger when you are working with power tools. Whether you are fixing it onto the bench or using it with your hand only, the chance of slipping the tool out from your hand is very high. If that happens, unfortunately, you might injure yourself along the process, and…